Parent Central » New Student Information

New Student Information

Welcome to Irvine International Academy, Irvine's first tuition-free PUBLIC CHARTER school that offers dual immersion instruction fully in English and Mandarin while integrating the concepts of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math). 
Join our growing community of Dual Chinese/English Immersion learners! 
OPEN ENROLLMENT starts NOW from February 5th to March 7th.
APPLY NOW for the 2025-26 School year!
To get more information on what IIA can offer, please visit the school at:
4782 Karen Ann Ln
Irvine, CA 92604
You can also call (949) 242-6164 or email [email protected].

Lottery 2025-26

Irvine International Academy 2025-26
Lottery Date:  April 9, 2025
Time:  4:00 p.m.
Location:  IIA Multipurpose Room
Join us LIVE via Zoom:
Parents of applicants being offered admission through the lottery will be notified in writing by email or mail and will be provided 5 business days to accept the offered seat.  They will also have 10 business days to register the student in order to be successfully enrolled in the 2025-26 school year.
Parents of student applicants who are placed on the waitlist resulting from the lottery may call or visit the school to find out their child’s priority number on the waitlist. Parents of student applicants on the waitlist who are offered admission at any time subsequent to the lottery will receive notification by email or text.  They will also be provided 5 business days to accept the offered seat before it is given to the next student on the list.
IIA Lottery Information
Applications for Irvine International Academy (IIA) are accepted annually during an open enrollment period. Admission is determined by a public random drawing, with preferences given to children of current staff and founders, siblings, and students residing within the district boundaries. Non-discrimination is enforced, and homeless and foster youth have equal access to education.